For a full list of merit badges visit Boy Scout Trail
There are requirements for each of the badges and also workbooks available.
Here is another site that has short summaries of each merit badge and may make it easier for you to make a decision on the badges you want to do.
Please contact our Scoutmaster to find out who the merit badge councilor is for any badges that you want to do. He has a list of all councilors throughout the council, our leaders only do some of the merit badges.
Steps for working on a merit badge
STEP 1: Meet with the Scoutmaster
The Scout tells his Scoutmaster (or his designee, for example, the troop advancement committee) that he’s interested in working on a merit badge.
The Scoutmaster gives the Scout:
An interview to determine his interest, enthusiasm, and preparedness.
A signed Application for Merit Badge (aka “Blue Card”).
The name and phone number of a council and district approved merit badge counselor.
STEP 2: Contact the Counselor
The Scout and counselor get the current merit badge pamphlet from the troop library or buy one at the Scout Shop.
The Scout calls the counselor and makes an appointment.
The counselor suggests that the Scout bring the following items:
Current merit badge pamphlet
Scoutmaster signed Blue Card (and proof of any partial work already recorded for this merit badge)
Any projects he may have started
Any other indication of preparedness
At the first interview, the counselor and Scout discuss:
All requirements that need to be completed, ensuring the Scout knows exactly what is expected
Short-term and long-term goals with dates of completion
Dates, times, and places for further meetings
The counselor completes applicable sections of the Blue Card.
The buddy system MUST be followed to ensure youth protection.
STEP 3: Complete the Requirements
The Scout completes the requirements exactly as stated – no more and no less.
“If it says ‘show or demonstrate,’ that is what you must do. Just telling about it isn’t enough. The same thing holds true for such words as ‘make,’ ‘list,’ ‘in the field,’ and ‘collect,’ ‘identify,’ and ‘label.’”
If the Scout has proper documentation that he previously completed some of the requirements with another counselor, it is not necessary to repeat these requirements.
The number of sessions between the Scout and the counselor during this period depends on the difficulty of the subject and the preparation and ability of the Scout.
The Scout and counselor agree when the Scout will be examined (either some requirements periodically or all requirements at the same time).
The buddy system MUST be followed in all follow-up meetings to ensure youth protection.
STEP 4: Get Proper Documentation
On the back panel of the Blue Card, the counselor initials and dates requirements as they are completed.
Once the merit badge is completed, the counselor signs and dates the “Applicant’s Record” and “Counselor’s Record” sections of the Blue Card.
The counselor keeps Counselor’s Record.
The Scout keeps the Applicant’s Record.
The Scout takes the front panel (“Application for Merit Badge”) and gives it to the appropriate troop leader for posting to his records.
Why the Blue Card Is Important
It is the official completion record recognized by BSA prior to recording and presentation of the merit badge card by the troop.
It is the FINAL arbiter of disputes if all other records are missing, including loss of the merit badge card that is presented with the badge.
Scouts should keep Blue Cards and the presented merit badge cards for reference.
Counselors should keep their copy of the Blue Card in the event a Scout should lose his copy or his merit badge card and need proof of completion.