Highland Games 2022

The scouts had fun at the Highland Games on Nantucket. We took the 2:45 ferry on Friday from Hyannis and walked through town to Camp Richard with 200+ other scouts wearing kilts and carrying our clan flags. Trucks took our troop gear to the camp. After setting up our tents, we made our own dinner of spaghetti and meatballs and garlic bread.

On Saturday, the Nantucket hosts provided breakfast sandwiches fixings including muffins, sausages and eggs. After a brief opening flag ceremony, we started the games. We had 2 clans called Grant and Glen with 4 scouts in each. Our clans did very well in many events and won awards in archery, caber toss, harpoon throw, tomahawk throw, shepherd’s carry and sheath toss. Other fun events with storm-the-castle and cairn building. After the games, there was a tasty banquet feast buffet. In the evening, there was a large campfire with skits.

Overnight it rained about 1/2 inch. Our gear stayed mostly dry and the rain stopped by morning. After breakfast, we packed up and walked back to the ferry terminal which was a bit over 2 miles. We took the noon ferry back to Hyannis. The weather was calm and sunny, and we had a relaxing ferry ride.