Goose Pond – First Aid – Orienteering Course

The weather was beautiful for our campout, sunny, light wind and seasonably cool. We setup our tents starting around 10:30 Saturday and then made grilled cheese and ham sandwiches for lunch. Because of the drought, no campfires were allowed. So we did all of our cooking on propane stoves. Also we had a propane fire pit that we placed in the fire ring. It gave the nice appearance of a small campfire but didn’t have much heat.

After lunch, nine scouts did an orienteering course where each station had a scenario written on a card about a case to apply first aid. The scouts were split into two groups by their two patrols. The scouts navigated to each station and wrote down their first aid solutions. Back at camp, the first aid merit badge counselor was there to review their answers. One patrol missed a station and went back out to find it. The patrol that finished first were awarded LifeStraws.

During the afternoon, the scouts made two large pots of chowder which included corn, onions, carrots, potatoes, milk, vegetable broth and spices. One pot also had chicken and the other was only vegetables. At 3:00, guests arrived and joined us for an early dinner since daylight was short. Guests included parents, cub scouts and girl scouts.

It was dark by 4:30 but there was a full moon that started to rise around sunset. We sat around the the fire pit with our simulated campfire. Some scouts settled into their tents as early as 5pm and others talked by the campfire until 8pm.

We were up early to see a beautiful sunrise on a clear morning. We made bacon and pancakes for breakfast. Then we packed up and cleared out of camp by 9am.