Sandy Neck 2024

This year we got reservations for Friday night camping. We met after school and started our hike at 4:30. Another boy scout troop was camping and there was some confusion with the park ranger about which campsites were ours. We got it all sorted out.

We made spaghetti and garlic beard for dinner. Just as dinner was ready to eat, we saw lightning and heard thunder, and soon it started to rain. We quickly ate dinner while the rain wasn’t too heavy. Then we sheltered in our tents as the rain did get heavy. One benefit to the rain is that it washed our dinner dishes.

In the twilight, we went to the beach for a campfire. It was a challenge to get the fire going because everything was wet, and it was windy. After many matches and persistence, we did get the fire going. Then the wind was a help to fan the flames, and we had a good fire for making smores.

In the morning, a group of scouts heading out at 7am to go to a soccer playoff finals game. The rest of us hiked back at 9am. We saw lots of wildlife on the marsh trail including turtles, crabs, frogs and many birds.