Memorial Day Service 2023

Our troop participated in Chatham’s Memorial Day Service by leading the Pledge of Allegiance, and as color guard. The service was touching, and the weather was beautiful.

Memorial Day Flags 2023

Our troop placed US flags for veterans in the People’s cemetery. The town provided the flags and the flag holders were already in place.

Town Meeting 2023

Together with the girl scouts and cub scouts, our troop did the flag ceremony and pledge of allegiance for the opening of the annual town meeting.

Earth Day 2023

Our troop helped with the Chatham Conservation Foundation clean up by picking up trash along Bridge Street and Morris Island Road.

Beaver Day 2023

For our service project at Camp Greenough, our troop did painting inside the administration building. It was a good thing that our work was inside since it was a cold and wet day.

Christmas Tree Pickup

Using four teams of scouts and parents with trucks, we collected Christmas trees from Chatham, Harwich, Orleans and Eastham, and took them to the transfer station. Donations were collected as a fundraiser for our troop. This was our second year collecting Christmas trees.

Chatham Angel Fund

During Christmas stroll, we sold Chatham Angel Fund ornaments and holiday light necklaces. It was a chilly evening with a strong wind such that we had to tie or tape down everything on our table.

All of our sales were donated to the Chatham Angel Fund and we raised $1019.

Veterans Day 2022

The scouts did a color guard and helped lead the Pledge of Allegiance at the Chatham Veterans Day service which was held inside the Community Center.

Memorial Day Service 2022

The scouts participated in the Memorial Day service which was held on the lawn in front of the Community Center. Then we marched in a parade to Chase Park. The parade included flute and drum. At Chase Park, the new monument to the Revolutionary War was dedicated in honor of the Chatham residents who helped the cause.

Memorial Day Flags 2022

For the past two years, the scouts have placed US flags at the grave markers for veterans. This year the scouts did South Chatham cemetery. In 2021 the scouts did Union cemetery.